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Results (1 - 100 of 136)

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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#7507 Select element gets 'duplicated' in FireFox FF Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#9146 Webkit: Link selection is incosistent Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#9814 Inline editor created in "display:none" element results in editor with disabled buttons Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#9929 [Blink Webkit]   is created when deleting character and typing common space WebKit Blink Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#9996 Selection disappears from last line on getData() Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#9998 [Umbrella][Blink/Webkit] Issues related to backspace and delete keys handling Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#10031 CKEditor injects special character in Chrome Blink Bug closed Normal
#10065 [Webkit] Changing "Object Styles" of an image does not work properly Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#10749 [Webkit/Blink] Loading URL with a # causes page to scroll Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#10801 enterMode BR - selecting one bold line and 'un-bold' it, makes the previous entered text 'un-bold' Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#10904 Impossible to remove object style Safari Blink Bug closed Normal
#10917 Unnecessary   in WebKit browsers WebKit Blink Bug closed Normal
#10949 [Blink Firefox] Readonly editor elementspath selection doesn't select as expected. Blink Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#10987 [Blink] Copy-paste table within CKE breaks width percentage. Blink Chrome Bug closed Normal
#10989 [Webkit/Blink] Widgets and content after them disappear when pargraphs are merged using backspace Chrome Safari Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#11024 Unwanted &nbsp entities should automatically be removed WebKit Blink Bug closed Normal
#11035 Deleting one of two subsequent spaces should leave normal space Blink WebKit Bug confirmed Normal
#11087 Opera & Chrome: Extra Border displaying across all menus list boxes IBM Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#11162 "Ctrl + A" and then "Del" works differently in FF and Chrome Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#11180 [Blink/Webkit] Ctrl+A does not work if widget is first or last element Webkit Blink Bug closed Normal
#11237 Paste table from Microsoft Office Word - lost value of border attribute IBM Firefox Webkit Blink Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#11261 [Blink] Problem with textarea in paragraph Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#11287 [Chrome, inline editor] Ctrl+A after selecting Page Break selects an entire page instead of the editor body content IBM Webkit Blink Bug closed Normal
#11306 [OSX][Webkit/Blink][Image2] No context menu entry on right-click Mac Webkit Blink Olek Nowodziński Bug closed Normal
#11322 Impossible to delete some block elements at the beginning of content IE Blink Webkit New Feature confirmed Normal
#11365 Blink crashes if right clicking on mapped image Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#11462 [Blink] Hitting shift+enter twice from the top of a formatted block will add a space below the cursor Blink Bug closed Normal
#11466 SCAYT jumps to previous ckeditor instance for second misspelling in Chrome Blink Bug closed Normal
#11475 [Chrome] No context menu on text input when editor doesn't have focus Mac Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#11500 CKEditor on [Webkit/Blink] drops cursor when changes in one editor update another IBM Blink Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#11501 Visible Text Selection disappers in inline editor Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#11515 Last item on bullet list ignored - Google chrome issue. Blink Bug closed Normal
#11538 Flying option menu when anchor present in URL Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#11579 Merging of table cells containing an image widget fails in OSX using different browsers Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#11610 [Blink] It is not possible to select text in with Shift+Click in link. Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#11616 (Chrome) Resizing the editor while it's not displayed Blink Webkit Support Szymon Cofalik Bug closed Normal
#11638 Inserted text blinks after multiple insertions using ctrl-v Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#11657 [Chrome] Editor with divarea plugin drag/drop image places image on last selection Blink Webkit Bug closed Normal
#11686 [Webkit] "Delete Columns" sometimes removes two columns instead of one Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#11756 CHROME: Applying alignment & link to an image removing all properties of image Blink Webkit IBM Bug closed Normal
#11846 Google Chrome hangs when CKEditor parses malformed HTML Blink Bug closed Normal
#11861 [Blink/Webkit] Span elements created while joining adjacent elements Webkit Blink Olek Nowodziński Bug closed Normal
#11864 Paragraph added with magicline under div keeps nbsp Webkit blink Bug confirmed Normal
#11879 (Chrome) Table: Insert Column After IBM Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#11923 [Blink] Caret is rendered at wrong location when editable region ends with a non-editable region VendorFix Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#11938 Webkit Blink: Image2 Cursor not available when Image is only content in editor Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#11974 inline editing Numbered list impacts the whole document Webkit Blink Bug closed Normal
#11980 [Blink/Webkit] Span elements created while joining adjacent elements (non-collapsed selection) Webkit Blink Olek Nowodziński Bug closed Normal
#11988 Image width set in percentages changed to be in pixels after drag and drop in chrome Blink Safari5 Bug confirmed Normal
#11999 Tests failing after update to Chrome 35 Blink Olek Nowodziński Bug closed Normal
#12038 Method insertElement should be aware of Blink bug Blink Bug closed Normal
#12062 Performance issues typing at the end of a large document in IE and Chrome Blink IE VendorFix Bug confirmed Normal
#12070 [Webkit/Blink] It is possible to create selection that starts in one editable and ends in another one Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#12099 Table Cell properties get duplicated on Chrome/Mac Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#12100 When erase the header of a line with format, cannot input text without format again. Blink Bug closed Normal
#12139 [Blink, Webkit]: Can't delete inline styles with Ctrl+A Backsapce/Del Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#12166 [Blink] Wrong cursor position after a widget Blink Bug closed Normal
#12178 [Blink/Webkit] Iterator does not return block if selection is located at the end of it Blink Webkit Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#12212 carriage return at <br> followed by <a> causes cursor to move unexpectedly to beginning of buffer (chrome only) Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#12222 Drag-and-drop image bug in Chrome Blink Bug closed Normal
#12259 Dialogs which create popup lose keyboard focus when popup is closed Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#12410 [Blink, Webkit] Pasting plain text into styles text is causing text formatting lost. Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#12432 Can not select element after setting font size on it. Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#12465 Can't update checkbox/radio button state with dialog when it is opened with double-click Blink Webkit Support Tomasz Jakut Bug closed Normal
#12484 DOM is changed outside of editor area Blink Webkit Artur Delura Bug closed Normal
#12489 Cursor jumps to the end of line in Blink and Webkit Blink Webkit Support Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#12490 Bug of MathJax plugin Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#12491 [Webkit/Blink] Error or incorrect selection restored on removeFillingChar Webkit Blink Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#12542 Entire page scrolls down briefly if entire editor is not visible in Chrome Blink Webkit IBM Bug closed Normal
#12570 Inline Editing: browser crash in Right to Left mode Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#12583 Certain edit operations destroy the protected structure of a widget Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#12584 Paste table within CK-Editor looses formattings (FF 33) Firefox Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#12587 Text jumps up after removing list Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#12597 Chrome: Multi-byte Japanese chars entry not working properly after line-break Blink Artur Delura Bug closed Normal
#12632 [Blink/Webkit] Impossible or hard to remove format Blink Webkit Bug closed Normal
#12694 Cursor in wrong possition Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#12717 setReadOnly() does not work well with the Shared Space plugin Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#12727 IndexSizeError on using plugins 'Div Editing Area' and 'Content Templates' Blink Bug closed Normal
#12848 Opening "Find and Replace" dialog cause error in console in read only mode. Blink Tomasz Jakut Bug closed Normal
#12888 Inline editor loses focus/toolbar when dialog with file input on primary tab shown Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#12915 Edit cell properties inside editable scrolls to top Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#12944 Webkit Blink regression: CKEditior initial state not set upon load IBM Webkit Blink Bug closed Normal
#13024 break on backspace with arabic/persian languanges Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#13224 Blink/Webkit change formatting of inline styles when removing them and don't remove them completely. Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#13284 Cannot drag'n'drop widget if a text caret is placed just after widget instance Blink Webkit Szymon Cofalik Bug closed Normal
#13291 Easy copy and paste of checkboxes Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#13334 Nested widget undo/redo bug Blink Webkit Szymon Cofalik Bug closed Normal
#13344 It is possible to remove/change editor contents in readonly mode Blink Webkit Support Tade0 Bug closed Normal
#13362 Wrong focus after creating link in caption using enhanced image widget Blink Webkit kkrzton Bug closed Normal
#13389 editor.getData() fails, when cursor is next to a HR tag Blink kkrzton Bug closed Normal
#13395 Triple clicking a paragraph, then justifying (left/center/right) justifies the next paragraph too Blink Webkit Bug closed Normal
#13427 Persistent formatting in list contents immune to Remove Formatting Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#13437 [D&D] Image2 broken in half when drag and dropped. Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#13442 Editor scrolls to the top after paste when contained in absolute positioned element Blink Safari Bug confirmed Normal
#13452 Resize of CKEditor in Chrome results in weird artifacts Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#13513 Divarea and getData throw error when image is only data in editor. Blink Webkit Support Szymon Cofalik Bug closed Normal
#13735 Paste from word Blink Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#13775 Typing into selected contents of span tag creates font tag IE11 Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#13820 backspace to beginning of line causes text to subsequently lose some formats Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#13841 Elements path selection and deletion work unexpectedly Blink firefox Bug confirmed Normal
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