Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#1109 closed New Feature (wontfix)

Enhance Table Right-click Content-Menu

Reported by: Aung Khant Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Dear Fred and developers,

At table context-menu, currently we have Cut, Copy, Paste, Cell[>>],Row[>>], Column[>>], Delete Table, Table Properties.

In this case, what I'd like to suggest is adding -

[i][priority:low,optional] .

one menu named 'Convert' at top of 'Delete' menu

which has a submenu named 'To Header' that does

  • converting td to th

The only difference of th is making fonts bold. You will say user can bold his fonts using 'Bold' button. Yeah, but it causes some extra codes - <strong>BOLD</strong> and increases pg sizes a little or more.


one menu named 'Cell Properties' at top of 'Table Properties' menu When user clicks it, a 'Cell Properties' window will pop up

with 7 form elements -

		1. nowrap(html=nowrap) [checkbox, if checked, the code will be nowrap="nowrap"]
		2. header (html=th) [checkbox, if checked, this turns td into th, making the font bold.]
		3. horizontal align(html=align) [ dropdown box with items - center, left, right]
		4. vertical align (html=valign) [ dropdown box with items - top,bottom,middle,baseline]
		5. background color(html=bgcolor) [colorChooser]
		6. background image(html=background) [file]
		7. border color(html=bordercolor) [colorChooser]

As you know, this cell properties window is valid only for user's currently focused cell. Thank you so much for your time, consideration and hardwork.

Change History (1)

comment:1 in reply to:  description Changed 17 years ago by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Replying to aungkhant:

one menu named 'Convert' at top of 'Delete' menu

which has a submenu named 'To Header' that does

  • converting td to th

The only difference of th is making fonts bold. You will say user can bold his fonts using 'Bold' button. Yeah, but it causes some extra codes - <strong>BOLD</strong> and increases pg sizes a little or more.

NO!!! a TH isn't just "to make a cell bold", that's completely wrong! a TH is a header cell and should be used to correctly mark the headers in a table, not to achieve just some visual effect.

The rest of the ticket is also about presentational features that shouldn't be available at all, so it would be a big step backwards putting them in context menu.

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