Opened 13 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#8440 closed Bug (duplicate)

With BACKSPACE or DELETE keys, it is very hard or impossible to remove formatting left after deleting a text.

Reported by: Jakub Ś Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 3.0
Keywords: Cc:


This ticket is a continuation of #8439

  1. Clear editor contents
  2. Type "test"
  3. Press cmd+a on Mac or crtl+a on Win
  4. Click bold or italic or underline
  5. Text should be still selected. Press Delete key

In element's path:
Webkit shows "body p b" (#8438),
Opera and IE show "body p strong"
Firefox (just like Word) removes the formatting.

The same thing also applies to (formatting being left): Bold, underline, italic, strike, sub, sup, Font Size, Paragraph Format and Styles dropdown lists.

Suppose you want to remove the formatting (Switching to source and back works in all cases) :
Opera: it is impossible to remove formatting using backspace, delete, or button from toolbar. This part may be related or duplicating the #6585

IE: You can’t remove formatting using backspace or delete. You can remove it by pressing appropriate toolbar option or:
Continue form step 5

  1. Type some text
  2. Press CRTL+A
  3. Press delete

This time the formatting will be removed.

Another issue with IE is that on double-delete IE removes formatting after Bold, underline, italic, strike, sub, sup but not after Font Size, Paragraph Format and Styles dropdown lists

Webkit: You can’t remove formatting using backspace or delete. You can remove it by pressing appropriate toolbar option. There is also a special case with inline styles from Styles dropdown (E.g. Marker yellow.) which are removed on pressing Delete key in Webkit.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Status: newconfirmed

comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: duplicate
Status: confirmedclosed

I have decided to refresh this ticket and as a result I have come up with these two #13224, #13225.

I'm closing this one as duplicate.

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